Forest Sciences
Forest Sciences is a 2-year Second Cycle Degree equivalent to a Master of Science. The programme is conducted entirely in English and is designed for Bachelor graduates with backgrounds in forestry, agriculture, biological or environmental studies . It aims to develop high-profile graduates with a holistic and innovative perspective, ready to tackle challenges in the management and conservation of natural resources at national, European or international level.
Forest Sciences offers two different specialization tracks.
The curriculum Forest and Land Management trains specialists in sustainable management, conservation and integrated valorization of forests and natural resources. Students gain insight into the functioning of forest ecosystems and develop skills for sustainable management and rural landscape conservation, especially in mountain and Mediterranean environments.
The curriculum Forest Conservation and Governance focuses on training specialists in the governance of forests and natural ecosystems in the framework of climate change, deforestation, land use change and biodiversity conservation. Students develop an understanding of complex socio-ecological systems and acquire skills for identifying innovative solutions for responsible forest management in line with global environmental issues.
The scientific-technical competences are then complemented by horizontal operative skills such as statistics, informatics, mapping and GIS, research and project planning methods and soft-skills such as communication and interdisciplinary teamwork. Finally, according to their aptitudes and interests, students can choose elective subjects among a wide range of courses and activities including field work and e-learning courses.
Forest Sciences students develop their skills through a range of educational methods, including traditional classroom lectures, e-learning sessions, seminars and laboratory experience. A significant portion of the lectures is devoted to field activities and site visits, providing hands-on experience and practical application of theoretical knowledge. Moreover, students engage in individual and group projects, fostering peer learning and collaboration while encouraging critical and comparative analysis within a multicultural setting. Assessment of students' knowledge and skills typically involves a combination of methods, such as final exams and interim evaluations based on individual or group coursework for each course
Learning in Forest Sciences takes place in an international and multicultural environment. The program is actively involved in three Erasmus Mundus Consortia for Master double degrees, namely GLOFOR, SUFONAMA and MEDfOR plus the TRANSFOR-M, a unique dual-degree program. This program enables qualified students to earn a Master of Forestry degree from Padova and a master’s degree from one of the three participating universities in Canada within two years. Finally, Forest Sciences maintains strong connections with other international Forest Schools as well as with international forest and environmental organizations like EFIMed FAO, EFI, WWF and CIFOR.
Join us in Forest Sciences at the University of Padova and become an expert in the sustainable management of mountain forests!