Curricular internships and trainings

The training and orientation internship is a period of training aimed at students (curricular internship), recent graduates within 12 months of graduation (extracurricular internship) and graduates in unemployment status (work placement / reintegration internship), in companies, public bodies and professionals. It can be compulsorily foreseen by the regulation of the degree course, or it can be done optionally.

The internship can have a maximum duration of 12 months for students and 6 months for recent graduates / graduates.

An internship involves three subjects: the trainee, the promoter (the University of Padua) and the host company or entity. The university tutor (a university professor), and the company tutor (not necessarily coinciding with the legal representative), who guide and follow the intern in carrying out the intended task, are also part the training path.

Useful information for students and graduates


 Career Service Office

On September 3rd The Career Service Desk will be available only via phone and/or email

Location: Corte Benedettina, 1st floor

Opening hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9.30am to 1.00pm by appointment only (write an email to Other days available at Stage e Career Service, Palazzo Storione - Riviera Tito Livio

Contacts: tel.  049 8279432 / 049 8273072. Mondays-Fridays: 10.00am-1.00pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays also 3.00pm-4.30pm