PROJECTS AND MOBILITY OFFICE - ERASMUS and other mobility programmes
L'ufficio Erasmus rimane chiuso nella settimana dal 23 -27 settembre e il 3 ottobre. Studenti possono chiedere un appuntamento tramite email Durante la settimana dal 7 - 11 ottobre il ricevimento è esclusivamente online. The Erasmus office is closed from 23rd to 27th of September and on 3rd of October. Students can ask for an appointment via email to During the week from 7th to 11th of October the front office is exclusively online. |
At Agripolis Campus two double degree programmes are held:
- Crop and Soil
Partner University: University of Georgia (USA)
Mobility period: second year
Language required: English
Title issued: double (Laurea Magistrale in Sustainable Agriculture-LM69, Curriculum Crop and soil; Master of Science Degree in Crop and Soil Sciences with area of emphasis in Sustainable Agriculture)
Contact person: prof. Nicola Dal Ferro, Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment (DAFNAE)
TRANSFOR-M is a 2-year course-based Master program leading to double degrees in forestry and environmental management.
Partner University: University of Lakehead University, University of Alberta, The University of British Columbia (CANADA)
Mobility period: second year
Language required: English
Title issued: double (at UniPD, Laurea Magistrale in Forest Science – LM/73)
Contact person: Prof. Paola Gatto
Contact person: Dr. Susanne Kloehn
Tel. (+39) 049 827 9425
Fax (+39) 049 876 2121
Sede: Campus di Agripolis - Corte Benedettina, 1° piano - 35020 Legnaro (Padova)
Location: Agripolis Campus - Corte Benedettina, 1st floor - 35020 Legnaro (PD)
Orario di ricevimento: martedì e giovedì 9.00 - 12.00. Lunedì e mercoledì disponibile solo via email.
Opening hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 9.00 am - 12.00 pm. Mondays and Wednesdays only available via email.