Call for expert: technical assistance to the Technical Secretariat for Food Security and Nutrition (SETSAN) in Mozambique
Agriconsulting is looking for an expert to participate to an EU tender to provide technical assistance to the Technical Secretariat for Food Security and Nutrition (SETSAN) in Mozambique.
Interested candidates can send request of clarification and/or a a CV to Ms Dorota Oszlanyiova :
Term of Reference of the expert
Key expert 2: Assistant (860 working days)
Qualifications and skills
- University degree in Agronomy, Rural Economy; Bio-Engineer, Macro-Economy or related field
- Leadership and negotiation skills and ability to work in a multi-disciplinary, interagency team
- Demonstrated knowledge of implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems
- Perfectly fluent in Portuguese and good knowledge of English
General professional experience
- Minimum 5 years of experience , including 3 years in monitoring and coordination of multisectorial programme
Specific professional experience
- Working experience with European Commission Procedures and especially Programme Estimate would be an asset
Working experience in Southern Africa and in Mozambique
The team should have good practice of database (ideally DevInfo) and website management.
The intended start date is March 2014 and the period of implementation will be 54 months.