Precision Tools For Sustainable And Welfare-Friendly Animal Farming
This Blended Intensive Programme aims to train students to identify priorities for a sustainable development of livestock farming systems in Europe; the most suitable precision livestock farming (PLF) tools for managing animal welfare and sustainability; strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of PLF tools in conventional and alternative production systems.
Coordinator: University of Padova – Prof. Angela Trocino (Responsible), Prof. Enrico Sturaro, Prof. Andrea Pezzuolo
Partners: VetAgro Sup, France (Dr. Paul Villate); Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain (Prof. Salvador Calvet Sanz); Université KU-Leuven, Belgium (Prof. Tomas Norton)
Participants: Erasmus students and students of the University of Padova (optional activity).
Maximum number of students: 20 Erasmus students and 15 students of the University of Padova
Period: week 1 (13-17/05/2024); week 2 (20-24/05/2024); week 3 (27-31/05/2024)
Teaching activities and methodologies
Online activities during week 1 (13-17/05/2024, 1 ECTS) and week 2 (20-24/05/2024, 1 ECTS): 2-3 meetings/week with all participants (1-2 h per meeting); 1-2 meetings of small groups (4-5 students per group) supervised by lecturers and dedicated tutors; asynchronous individual activities (e.g., videos, texts, feedbacks) available in the Moodle page of the BIP.
Physical mobility during week 3 (27-31/05/2024, 6 ECTS), at the Agripolis Campus (Legnaro, Padova, Italy): lectures and seminars, practical activities, technical visits to the Experimental Farm “Lucio Toniolo” of the University of Padova and commercial farms, and group activities (challenges).
Teaching activities will be provided by experts of the four Institutions, besides external experts. Students will be supported by dedicated tutors and activities will be developed following the principle of virtual exchange and active learning.
Selection procedure for Erasmus students: bachelor, master and PhD students eligible for a short-term Erasmus grant at their sending Institution; students will be selected based on the CV and a motivation letter; students must contact the Erasmus office of their origin Institution for more info; nomination required by the University of Padova within 15/02/2024.
Selection procedure for students of the University of Padova: selection open until 15/01/2024; please fill out the google form, including your CV and a motivation letter (in English, expected, or in Italian, accepted); in the motivation letter, the student will specify her/his interests with respect to the contents of the BIP and her/his personal expectations); results available by 30/01/2024.
University of Padova: Prof. Angela Trocino, Prof. Enrico Sturaro, Dr. Andrea Pezzuolo, Prof. Francesco Marinello, Prof. Giulio Cozzi, Prof. Flaviana Gottardo
VerAgro SuP: Prof. Paul Villate, Dr. Audrey Michaud, Dr. Adeline Vedrine, Dr. Nathalie Hostiou
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia: Prof. Maria Cambra López, Prof. Salvador Calvet Sanz, Prof. Fernando Estellés
Université KU-Leuven: Prof. Tomas Norton, Dr. Andrea Parmigiani, Dr. Özge Günaydın
For more info check the flyer below. Read more about Blended Intensive Programmes here.