News archive


Second Call Erasmus+ for Studies 14th of March - 9th of April, 1 PM

Information meeting: 19th March 2024, 5PM Zoom link: For more information: to choose the destination: 

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Award - Rotary Padova

Participants: Graduates in: Scienze della natura / Forest science - Scienze forestali / Scienze forestali e ambientali / Scienze e tecnologie per l'ambiente e il territorio, who presented and defended their thesis during academic year 2022/2023.The thesis topic must be about plant biodiversity.

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Training courses on how to create a bibliography and improve your research skills - 2024

The Univeristy libraries staff regularly organizes worskhops on how to improve your research skills and how to manage and create a bibliography. The courses will guide you through all the resources and services the libraries can offer you and they are held in English, too.You can sign up here (click

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Event - Cereal Docks - 20 February 2024

Cereal Docks is an Italian industrial group operating in the feeds and foods primary processing sector, producing ingredients including meals, oils and lecithin, derived from oil seeds (soy, sunflower and rapeseed) and grains (corn, wheat, barley) intended for applications in the foods,

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Pre-selection - admission to the curriculum Crop and Soil of the MS "Sustainable Agriculture"


Announcement for the pre-selection for the admission to the curriculum Crop and Soil of the Second-Cycle Degree Course "Sustainable Agriculture" - cohort 2023/24.The deadline for application is February 16th, 2024 at 12:00pm.The call for applications ("bando") and the application form are available

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